Item: Supreme Paisley Box Logo tee (Black)
Description: A little history with this t-shirt: I had met this one particular girl 3 years ago as the final girl of whom I signed at my previous school. My final client. The strongest memory of my previous job, just like the last song you hear before you head to bed - it's stuck and difficult to forget. Anyways, when I returned back to Japan this time around in 2009 I had contacted her for us to meet up. Things were going very well, and we were getting very close. I also did something that I never do with my dates; she had invited me to her home for me to meet her parents. Lovely people. Great day. Great memory. The next week it all fell apart. She called me with choked tears and muffled sobs stating we couldn't date. Furthermore, her "boyfriend" of whom previously was not mentioned took the phone from her and verbally told me to stay away. I love this incident because it proved to me that he was jealous of what we had, ultimately meaning what I was doing was right. Had I known she was already seeing someone perhaps I wouldn't have been so forward with our dates. But the truth of the matter was that she lied to me. To add fuel to the fire, I further discovered he's a married man. With a child. So here's to you. Stop cheating on your wife, be a man and either get a divorce or stop messing around. I hope it made you feel more like a man making your item of insecurities cry, and force her to not even have male friends because of your failure in life with your wife.
So long story short, this t-shirt was purchased on the day I met her parents, our final date. I like to see this item as the one thing that turned out right that day. Supreme box logo tees are fairly hard to come by, especially a paisley, in mint, new, unworn condition, with a story like this one behind it.