Item: Coca Cola Zero
Description: Moving back to Japan has, under recent discovery, resulted in me losing approx. 15 pounds or 6 kilograms. I claim this is due to the dietary changes across different cultures inherit between America and Japan. It's fairly hard to fill up on food to the point where you're unbuttoning the jeans or patting the stomach here in the East. Along with this, my removal of sugar from my diet has also clearly aided in my current health status. Enter Coke Zero, with zero sugar (or as it's read on the label "0kcal Energy" I feel less sluggish, my skin is clearer, my throat is less raspy, and all in all I feel much better. Coke Zero is still considered unhealthy and I still find myself drinking Orange Juice (100% of course) a lot, but who would've thought I'd switch to Diet?Still makes me jittery though. Can't win em all, I guess.
Coca Cola Japan