January 16, 2010


Item: Miscellaneous incense and incense holder, Bali Islands
Description: I'm not usually an incense/candle/aromatherapy kind of person.  Quite frankly I find these "unnatural" scents quite bothersome if it's too strong or too exotic.  This item was given to me by Miyuki, a co-worker of mine, as a souvenir from her honeymoon in Bali.  I've since tried it once with company over and we all agreed it was a scent much needed in my new apartment (at the time).  The character is quite interesting, and the incense provided ("Lavender" is supposedly a flavor now a days) is quite charming.  Not too strong, so it's welcomed.  This has all the characteristics of a "garage sale" item, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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