January 15, 2010


Item: Perfect Suit Factory necktie (Brown/Dot)
Description: A close friend of mine of whom I confided in named Rose gave this to me as a Christmas present for the year 2006.  I remember the gift I returned to her was a hardcover book on contemporary art in modern day Japanese culture.  She seemed thrilled about her gift, and I was quite happy with hers for me as well.  I love the texture of this tie; the minute grid feel is very smooth but rugged.  The dots are definitely a nice touch - a pattern I certainly wouldn't have picked myself for I'm not quite as daring a person to select polka dots on my own.  Furthermore, I wouldn't realize it would go well with a solid blue stretch cotton/poly blend button-up of which I combine with this tie almost all the time.  So kudos to you Rose, good choice.  Easily a favorite of mine.

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